Chicago Trax Volume 1 oder HSOC Vol.2

Zusammenstellung von Aufnahmen von Trax Records aus den Anfangsjahren.
Zu den Releases von London Records, Trax Records und BCM.

Nach dem erfolgreichen Sampler „The House Sound of Chicago Vol. 1„, veröffentlichte London Records (UK) noch im gleichen Jahr 1986 eine „Chicago Trax“ CD als Nachfolger.

Chicago Trax CD (London Rec.) ’86

Es dürfte sich hierbei um den ersten House CD Sampler in Europa handeln!
Und da London Rec. die „Vol. 1“ nicht als CD veröffentlicht hatte, nahm man drei der Top Hits aus dem vorherigen Teil mit auf die CD. (Auf dem Cover werden zwei davon als ‚Bonus Tracks‘ angegeben.)

Diese Zusammenstellung dürfte für viele Freunde des Classic House einige Songs der Best of Top 10 enthalten.

House Sound of Chicago Chicago Trax London Records Cover front CD
Chicago Trax London Records Cover front CD
House Sound of Chicago Chicago Trax London Records Cover back CD
Cover back CD
House Sound of Chicago Chicago Trax London Records Cover Bonus
Cover Bonus Hinweis
Tracklist Chicago Trax CD
  1. On The House – Pleasure Control 4:26
  2. Adonis – No Way Back 4:57
  3. Marshall Jefferson – The House Music Anthem – Move Your Body 5:46
  4. Boris Badenough – What’s Up Rocky? 6:37
  5. Mr. Fingers – Can You Feel It? 5:44
  6. Virgo – R. U. Hot Enough 7:38
  7. Hercules – 7 Ways To Jack 6:50
  8. Master C & J – When You Hold Me 6:57
  9. Jungle Wonz – The Jungle 5:59
  10. Farley „Jackmaster“ Funk ft. Darryl Pandy – Love Can’t Turn Around 6:12
  11. Steve „Silk“ Hurley – Jack Your Body 6:50

Die Titel #3*, 10 und 11 sind enthalten in der Vol.1 Release.

*=Wobei bei #3 „Move your Body“ die Neueinspielung von DJ International auf Vol.1 erschien.

Die CD enthielt zwar den Titel „The House Sound of Chicago“ und die Grafik wie Vol.1, aber der Hinweis auf Vol.2 erfolgte erste bei dem Doppelalbum

Vol.2 Chicago Trax 2xLP (London Rec.) ’87

Die 2xLP enthält 19 Tracks, davon 17 vom Label Trax Records.

House Sound of Chicago Vol.2 Trax London Records Cover front LP
House Sound of Chicago Vol.2 Trax Cover front LP
House Sound of Chicago Vol.2 Trax London Records Cover back LP
House Sound of Chicago Vol.2 Trax Cover back LP

Die Bonus Tracks der CD: „Love can’t turn around“ und „Jack your Body“ sind hier nicht enthalten. Die restlichen Songs der CD sind aber vorhanden.

Tracklist Chicago Trax Vol.2 – LP 1:

Side A

  1. On The House – Pleasure Control 4:25
    Lead Vocals: Curtis McClain | Producer, Written: Marshall Jefferson
    Mixed By: Ron Hardy | Bright Star Rec. #BR 003
  2. Adonis – No Way Back 4:55
    TX 112 | Written, Producer – Adonis
  3. Santos – Work The Box 4:22
    TX 126 | Producer, Mixed: Adonis | Written: Ron Hardy, Erik Santos
  4. Duane & Co. – J.B. Piano Traxx 6:25
    Producer, Written: Duane & Co. | Dance Mania #DM001
  5. Marshall Jefferson – Move Your Body (The House Music Anthem) 7:45
    TX 117 | Producer, Written: Virgo (M. Jefferson) | Mixed By – Ron Hardy

Side B

  1. Boris Badenough – What’s Up Rocky 6:39
    TX 130 | Producer, Written: Dean Anderson | Mixed: Ron Gresham
  2. Sweet D – Thank Ya 8:28
    TX 119 | Producer, Written: Sweet D
    basiert auf „Cheryl Lynn – You Saved My Day“
  3. Mr. Fingers – Can You Feel It 5:45
    TX 127 | Producer, Written: Larry Heard
  4. Virgo – R U Hot Enough 7:36
    TX 114 | Written: Virgo | Producer: Virgo, Adonis
Sweet D Danny Wilson Pic
Sweet D (Danny Wilson)
Tracklist Chicago Trax Vol.2 – LP 2:

Side C

  1. Hercules – 7 Ways To Jack 6:48
    Producer: Marshall Jefferson | Written: Hercules, M. Jefferson | Dance Mania #DM002
  2. On The House with Marshall Jefferson – Ride The Rhythm 7:00
    TX 121 | Producer, Written: Marshall Jefferson | Mixed: Ron Hardy
  3. Mr. Fingers – Washing Machine 4:20
    TX 127 | Producer, Written: Larry Heard
  4. The Rude Boy Farley Keith – Give Your Self To Me 4:17
    TX 116 | Producer: Danny Wilson, Farley Jackmaster Funk
    Written: Farley Keith
  5. Master C & J – When You Hold Me 6:56
    TX 118 | Producer, Mixed: The New York Kids | Written: Mr. Lee

Side D

  1. Sampson ‚Butch‘ Moore – House Beat Box 6:15
    TX 128 | Producer: Steve „Silk“ Hurley
    Written: Steve Hurley, Sampson Moore
  2. Adonis – We’re Rocking Down The House 6:00
    TX 120 | Producer, Written, Mixed: Adonis
  3. Fresh – Dum Dum 5:30
    TX 115 | Producer, Written: Fresh
  4. Willie Wonka – What Is House? 4:50
    TX 122 | Producer, Written: Willie Wonka | Mixed: Mickey Oliver
  5. Jungle Wonz – The Jungle 6:00
    TX 129 | Vocals: Harry Dennis | Producer: Marshall Jefferson
    Written: Harry Dennis, Marshall Jefferson
Jungle Wonz
Jungle Wonz (Harry Dennis)
Liner Notes von Stuart Cosgrove

When the first wave of Chicago House records arrived in Britain and were greeted by the familiar cries of media hype, there was a strong feeling that the music would be a seven day wonder — a super baad fad. It would have no lasting impact on the clubs and would be virtually irrelevant to daytime radio and the pop charts.
The reverse happened. House music managed to tap a vein of mass popularity beginning in gay clubs spreading to London’s most fashion conscious venues like Raw, Delirium and The Wag and to influential alternative dance clubs like The Garage in Nottingham.

Beyond all expectations, the Chicago House sound proved to be phenomenally successful,
Farley Jackmaster’ Funk’s ‘Love Can’t Turn Around’ broke the Top Ten;
Raze’s ‚Jack The Groove’ made it to the Top Twenty, and in unprecedented style Steve ‘Silk’ Hurley’s ‚Jack Your Body’ came from nowhere to become the No. 1. selling record in Britain. When it crashed into the charts it had never been played on Radio 1, club exposure alone was enough to guarantee its national popularity.

Like New York hip-hop, the relentless sound of Chicago House Music thrives on theft. House is robbery with a violent rhythm. It borrows and plunders from seventies soul, hi-energy, Italian disco, beat-box music and from British based alternative dance groups like The Art of Noise, Depeche Mode, Human League and New Order.

House producers borrow from the past, the present and each other. Farley Jackmaster’ Funk’s ‘Love Can’t Turn Around’ a song that comes in countless competitive versions, is a modern strearnlined version af the old Isaac Hayes hit ‘I Can’t Turn Around’. Sleezy D’s I’ve Lost Control’ descants on Joy Division’s record of the same name the record that became a disco hit via Grace Jones’s re-worked ‘She’s Lost Control’.
On this compilation, the best of Trax Records, one of the major House Labels from Chicago, you will hear hi-hat cymbal intros stolen from the great hits of the Philly era and basslines taken unapologetically from Sharon Redd, D. Train and Chic.

The theft of ideas, narnes, titles, rythms and basslines has driven a wedge of animosity through Chicago as accusation feeds counter-accusation. Hundreds of people have claimed they invented the name ‘House’, although most people now agree it came from a legendary Chicago club The Warehouse, presided over by a New York born master-mixer Frankie Knuckles.
And hundreds of people squabble over the compositional credits of ‘Love Cant Turn Around’ forgetting Isaac Hayes in the rush for credibility. Rivalry between the scenes two major labels, DJ International, which provide most of the records on ‘The House Sound of Chicago Volume 1’, and Trax, the under estimated independent label which released House Classics like Marshall Jefferson’s ‘Ride The Rhythm’ and ‘The House Music Anthem: Move Your Body’, has reached frantic proportions.

Listen to ‘What’s Up Rocky’ by the fictitious Boris Badenough and you get some sense of the rivalry.
The song is cynically dedicated to Rocky Jones the owner of DJ International, and savagely mocks his decorative hats, his recording activities and ends witha final insult about his looks — “you’ve got sharp ears for a squirrel.”

Stuart Cosgrove, NME

Chicago Trax Volume 1 (Trax Rec./BCM) ’87

Die 2xLP wurde mit exakt gleicher Tracklist von BCM Records mit eigener Gestaltung (LWW) für den deutschen Markt veröffentlicht. Trax Records übernahm das Design und veröffentlichte den Sampler auf dem US Markt.

Chicago Trax Vol.1 Cover front
Chicago Trax Vol.1 Cover front
Chicago Trax Volume 1 Cover back 2LP
Chicago Trax Vol.1 Cover back

Für den europäischen Markt wurde die 2x LP auch als 1x CD 1987 veröffentlicht unter der Bezeichnung „The Special CD-Compilation“ mit 10 Tracks.
Eine ReRelease erschien 1993 von BCM Records inklusiv eines Bonus Megamixes.

CD Tracklist Chicago Trax Vol. 1 ’87 + ReRelease ’93

Tracklist CD:

  1. On The House – Pleasure Control 4:27
  2. Boris Badenough – What’s Up Rocky 6:38
  3. Marshall Jefferson – Move Your Body 7:48
  4. Mr. Fingers – Can You Feel It 5:45
  5. Sampson ‚Butch‘ Moore – House Beat Box 6:17
  6. Jungle Wonz – The Jungle 6:01
  7. Adonis – No Way Back 4:57
  8. Farm Boy – Jackin‘ Me Around 6:51
  9. On The House – Ride The Rhythm 7:00
  10. Hercules – 7 Ways To Jack 4:00
Chicago Trax Vol.1 Cover front CD
Chicago Trax Vol.1 Cover front CD

House Sound of Chicago Chicago Trax Edition 1993 BCM Rec
Chicago Trax Edition 1993 BCM Rec

Die ReRelease erschien 1993 unter dem Titel:
House Sound of Chicago – The Chicago Trax Edition

Der Bonus Megamix erschien 1987 auf BCM #TX 33-5003-45

  1. Chicago Trax Megamix (Chicago Hot Mix) 7:50
    Mixed by DJ „Mic Mac“ Meyers

Chicago Trax Volume 2 (Trax Records) ’87

Für den US-Markt hatte Trax Records noch einen zweiten Teil als 1x CD und Cassette veröffentlicht.

Tracklist Chicago Trax Vol. 2
Chicago Trax Volume 2 Cover Cut
  1. Frankie Knuckles – Baby Wants To Ride (Remix)
    Remix: Adonis | Written: Byron Walton (Jamie Principle), Frankie Knuckles
  2. Adonis – Do It Properly
    Written, Mixed: Adonis
  3. On The House – Let’s Get Busy
    TX 159 | Producer, written: Marshall Jefferson | Vocals: Curtis McClain | Piano : Rudyard Forbes
  4. Evie – Just Stay The Night
    TX 154 | Written: Evelyn Camp, Arnold Hennings | Producer: Bang Orchestra! (Vince Lawrence)
  5. Kevin Irving – Children Of The Night
    TX 145 | Written: Grant
  6. Dalis – Rock Steady
    TX 144 | Mixed By – Dean Anderson | Producer, Mixed: Derek Brand, Rick Barnes | Original: Aretha Franklin
  7. Mr. Lee – Come To House
    TX 140 | Written: Lee Haggard, Robert Smith
  8. Phuture – Your Only Friend
    TX 142 | Written: Nathaniel Pierre Jones | Producer, Mixed: Marshall Jefferson
  9. Robert Owens – Bring Down The Walls
    TX 132 | Written: Larry Heard, Robert Owens | Producer: Larry Heard

Bei BCM Records erschien auch eine HSOC Vol.2, aber diese hat nichts mit diesem Trax Records Sampler zu tun.

BCM-Box  - The History Of The House Sound Of Chicago

Die BCM-Box „The History Of The House Sound Of Chicago“ präsentiert auf der LP 6 „Trax Classix“.

Hier zum Beitrag mit 10x Trax Klassikern


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