The House Sound of London

Nachdem der Chicago House Sound um die Welt ging, hat das Label FFRR im Jahr 1988 einen Sampler veröffentlicht der vom englischen Radio DJ Jazzy M zusammengestellt wurde.

House Sound of Chicago Vol.1, Vol.2 und Vol.3
House Sound of Chicago Vol.1 / Vol.2 / Vol.3

Da es bereits die Sampler Serie „The House Sound of Chicago“ Vol. 1, Vol.2 und Vol. 3 gab, hat man diese Compilation als „House Sound of London – Volume 4“ veröffentlicht.

In Amerika erschien der Sampler ohne „Vol. IV – The Jackin‘ Zone“ und mit abweichender Tracklist. (siehe unten)

House Sound of Chicago Vol. IV, The Jackin' Zone, Cover front

Der Sampler enthält 9x britische und 4x amerikanische Interpreten.
Hinter einigen UK Gruppen verbergen sich bekannte Namen:

  • The Speech – dahinter steckt Paul Oakenfold
  • Acid Fingers – ein Projekt von Simon Harris
  • D Mob ist ein Alias von Dancin‘ Danny D
  • D.S. Bulding Contractors – ist ein Projekt von Paul Hartnoll von Orbital (hier exklusiv veröffentlicht).
  • J&M Connection ist eine UK-US Kooperation von Jazzy M (UK) und Bam Bam (US) featuring Vocals von Robert Owens (US).

Weitere US Gruppen sind Reese & Santonio, Jamie Principle, Rocky Jones (Robot DJs) und Tyree Cooper. Der Tyree Track erschien nur auf der 2LP, wurde aber auch bereits auf der Vol.3 veröffentlicht.

Tracklist Vol.4 2LP
  1. The J & M Connection ft. Robert Owens – Living In A World Of Fantasy (Club Mix) 5:33
    Written: Jazzy M, Bam Bam | Producer: Bam Bam
  2. Bang The Party – Going Home To See My Baby 4:41
    Mixed: Mike ‚Dubfire‘ Smith | Written, Producer: Bang The Party
  3. Richie Rich – Salsa House 4:41
    Written, Producer: Richie Rich
  4. D.S. Building Contractors – One For The Burglar 5:46
    Written: Paul Hartnoll
  5. House Addicts – Come Together 4:56
    Producer: The House Addicts | Written: Tony Thorpe
  6. D Mob ft. Gary Haisman – We Call It Acieeed 5:42
    Written, Producer: Dancin‘ Danny D
  7. Silicon Chip – FM (FFRR Remix) 6:32
    Producer: The House Addicts | Written: G. & L. Parry
  8. D.S. Building Contractors – Depth Charge 5:47
    Written: Paul Hartnoll
  9. Jamie Principle – Rebels 5:38
    Producer: Steve ‚Silk‘ Hurley | Written: Jamie Principle
  10. Reese & Santonio – Back To The Beat 6:45
    Written, Producer: Kevin Saunderson
  11. The Speech – I Have A Dream 4:53
    Producer: Paul Oakenfold, Rob Davis
    Vocals [Words]: Martin Luther King jr
  12. Acid Fingers – Mix It Up 5:40
    Written, Producer: The Acid Finger
  13. Robot DJs – Remote Control 8:05
    Written, Producer: Rocky Jones
  14. **Harry Thumann – Underwater
    Producer: Harry Thumann
    Written: H. Thumann, Hermann Weindorf
  15. Reese & Santonio – Rock To The Beat 4:10
    Producer: Kevin Saunderson
    Written: Kevin Saunderson, Santonio Echols
  16. *Tyree – Acid Over (Spectrum Remix) 4:00
    Written, Producer: Tyree Cooper

*= nicht auf der CD enthalten.
**= nur auf der 2LP (FFRDP 4) enthalten.

Original Album Liner Notes / Rezension

The Jackin‘ Zone celebrates the dispersal of House. In less than 3 years, Chicago’s underground dance sound has imposed its authority on the world. No matter where. Chicago, Detroit, New York, Manchester, Birmingham, London. Every city is a jackin‘ zone.

‚The House Sound of London Vol. 4′ takes the name Jackin‘ Zone from Jazzy M’s celebrated radio programme on the London based pirate radio station LWR. At it’s best the programme mixed hard rhtyhm trax, relentless disco beats and sampled sound effects into airwave mayhem, turning Jazzy M. into one of the underground soul scene’s most influential figures. He makes an appearence on Jackin‘ Zone under the pseudonym J+M Connection, leading a veritable gang of House masters, including Fingers Inc. and Bam Bam Westbrook, through the beat extravaganza ‚Living in a World of Fantasy‘.

Maybe Jackin‘ Zone should have come with a free eye-patch. Pirates are in effect. Bang the Party’s Kid Batchelor and Leslie Lawrence first came together as aspiring DJs on the North London pirate station Contrast radio and have since built up a street reputation as some of Britain’s most happening house musicians. This time they bang the party with a new composition ‚Going Home‘.

Yet another pirate radio stalwart DJ Richie Rich takes jack-music into Latino territory with ‚Salsa House‘, but for those of you who prefer to dance to trance, Jackin‘ Zone has enough acid to corrode even the most mainstream mind.

House Sound of London Anzeige
Musikmagazin Anzeige

Tyree Cooper, probaly the most creative DJ the Southside of Chicago has ever produced, remixes his ‚acid house‘ standard ‚Acid Over‘ whilst Acid Finger’s ‚Mix It Up‘ and D. Mob’s ‚We call it Acid‘ jack the shelf in sulphuric style. With ‚acid‘ and the Detroit Sound currently making the motor-city dancer made on a shoestring budget by a young producer who is still in his second year at East Michigan University.

The most satisfying feature of Jackin‘ Zone is the platform it provides for new British music, rejecting the old territorial claims that only America can mix it up. But no house album would be complete without the Lord of Hedonism, Jamie Principle, who offers another sermon on lust and dance salvation in the baptismal house record ‚Rebels‘.

From London ‚acid‘ houses like The Trip and Spectrum ton Detroit’s techno-rock clubs, the sound of House has fragmented into new and increasingly progressive music. Chicago invented House but nobody owns the Jackin‘ Zone.

Liner Nots von Stuart Cosgrove, The Face and Arena

Rezension vom Record Mirror Magazin (UK) vom 27.08.1988

House Sound of London Rezension Record Mirror 1988 08 27
House Sound of London, Cover back Ausschnitt, Tony Thorpe, Tyree Cooper,Jazzy M
Tony Thorpe (House Addicts) / Tyree Cooper / Jazzy M (J&M Connection)

Die US Version

Die US Version des Samplers- ohne den „Jackin‘ Zone“ Hinweis – ist als LP mit 8 Tracks erschienen und 1989 als CD mit 3x Bonus Tracks. So wurde z. B. von D Mob und Richie Rich ein weitere Track hinzugefügt.

Tracklist US-Version
  1. D Mob ft. Gary Haisman – Trance Dance 7:38
    Producer, Written: Dancin‘ Danny D
  2. Bang The Party – Going Home To See My Baby 4:41
    Mixed: Mike „Dubfire“ Smith | Producer, Written: Bang The Party
  3. Richie Rich – Turn It Up 5:25
    Producer: PJ Dynamix, Richie Rich | Written: Richie Rich
  4. D.S. Building Contractors – One For The Burglar 5:46
    Written: Paul Hartnoll
  5. D Mob ft. Gary Haisman – We Call It Acieed 5:42
    Producer, Written: Dancin‘ Danny D
  6. The Speech – I Have A Dream 4:53
    Music: Rob Davis | Producer: Paul Oakenfold, Rob Davis | Words: Martin Luther King jr
  7. Richie Rich – Salsa House 7:07
    Written, Producer: Richie Rich
  8. Simon Harris – Here Comes That Sound 6:35
    Remix: Acid Fingers | Written: Simon Harris

CD Bonus Tracks (FFRR ‎– 838 203-2):

  1. Robots DJs – Remote Control 4:11
    Written, Producer: Rocky Jones
  2. House Addicts – Come Together 5:02
    Producer: The House Addicts | Written: Tony Thorpe
  3. D Mob ft. Gary Haisman – We call it Aieed (Matey Mix) 9:19


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