Ricky Dillard – Let The Music Use You

Über das Debüt-Album von Ricky Dillard, erschienen 1989 auf Jack Trax und einige Maxis von 1986 bis 1989 an den Ricky D. beteiligt war.

Ricky Dillard, manchmal auch Ricky D. genannt, hat in den Anfangsjahren des Chicago House vielen Klassikern seine markante Gospel-Stimme geliehen. So hat er mit dem Who is Who der Szene zusammengearbeitet. Hier eine Übersicht der Titel von ’86-89 und dem darauf folgenden Debütalbum.

Maxi Diskografie

Give Your House To Me ’86 – The Rude Boy (Farley JM Funk)

Hier ist Ricky Dillard auf der B-Seite „Give your House to me“ gemeinsam mit Kevin Irving zu hören.

The Rude Boy Farley Keith – Give your self to me
Label: Trax Records #TX116

  1. Give Your Self To Me (6:31)
  2. Give Your House To Me (6:31)

Producer: Danny Wilson (Sweet D.) und Jackmaster Funk
Vocals: Kevin Irving, Ricky Dillard

The Rude Boy Farley Keith ‎- Give Your Self To Me, Label B, 1986
Give your self to me
Feel the Fire ’86-87 – Frankie Hollywood and the Heat

Frankie Hollywood and Ricky D – Feel the Fire
und bei der Remix Maxi:
Frankie Hollywood and the Heat ft. Rickie Dillard
Label: DJ International Records #DJ 933, 1987 (beide)

  1. Feel The Fire (Radio Mix) 4:32
  2. Feel The Fire (Acapella) 4:31
  3. Feel The Fire (Thumpers Mix) 6:39
  4. Feel The Fire (99th Street Mix) 6:33
  5. Feel The Fire (House Mix) 7:07
  6. Feel The Fire (Acapella) 0:30*

Vocals: Ricky Dillard (Ricky D)
Producer: Frankie „Hollywood“ Rodriguez, Rocky Jones
Co-Producer: Chip E.
Thanks to Joe Smooth

Frankie Hollwood and Ricky D Feel the Fire Label A
Feel the Fire Label A „Remix“ Maxi

Track #6 ist nur auf der Remix Maxi enthalten, die ansonsten identisch ist.

It’s U ’87 – Farley Jackmaster Funk

Farley Jackmaster Funk & Ricky Dillard – It’s U
Label: DJ International Records #DJ 945, 1987

  1. It’s U (House Mix)
  2. It’s U (Acca House)
  3. It’s U (Farley Mix)
  4. It’s U (Radio)
  5. It’s U (Sample Mix)

Written: Farley Jackmaster Funk, Ricky Dillard
Producer, mixed: Farley Jackmaster Funk
Keyboards: Danny Wilson (Sweet D)

Farley JM Funk Ricky Dillard Its U Label A
Farley JM Funk Ricky Dillard Its U Label A
Let The Music (Use You) ’87 – The Night Writers

The Night Writers – Let The Music (Use You)
Label: Danica Records #DAN-1610, 1987

  1. Let The Music (Use You) (Club Mix) 8:11
  2. Let The Music (Use You) (Radio Mix) 4:30
  3. Let The Music (Use You) (Dub Mix) 8:30

Mixed: Frankie Knuckles #1,2 | Michael Winston #3
Written: Alan Walker, Henry Watson
Producer: Frankie Knuckles
Vocals: Ricky Dillard
Engineer: Specs, Tommy White

The Night Writers Let The Music Use You Label A
The Night Writers Let The Music Use You Label A
Only the Strong Survive ’88 – Frankie Knuckles

Frankie Knuckles – Only the Strong Survive
Label: DJ International Records #DJ 847, (1993*)

  1. Only The Strong Survive (Club Mix) 8:56
  2. Only The Strong Survive (Instrumental Mix) 5:53

Written: Gamble/Huff/Butler
Vocals: Ricky Dillard
Producer: Frankie Knuckles
Executive-Producer: Rocky Jones

Frankie Knuckles Only the Strong Survive Label A DJ Intern
Label A DJ International

Cover Version von Billy Paul (1977) (bzw. ursprünglich von Jerry Butler 1969).

*=Der Song erschien zuerst im Januar 1988 als Promo zum Sampler „The House Sound of Chicago Vol. III Acid Tracks“ als Double A-Seite mit Romance auf FFRR. DJ International veröffentlichte die Maxi erst 1993.

As Always ’88 – Farley Jackmaster Funk

Farley Jackmaster Funk pres. Ricky Dillard – As Always
Label: Trax Records #TX 172, 1988

  1. As Always 6:01
  2. As Always (Acid As) 3:55
  3. As Always (Lovin‘ House Mix) 12:30

Mixed: Farley Jackmaster Funk #2,3 | Jesse Saunders #1
Produced: Farley Jackmaster Funk

Farley JM Funk pres Ricky Dillard As Always Label B
As Always

Cover Version von Stevie Wonder – As (from the Album „Songs in the Key of Life“ ’76)

weitere Songs mit Ricky Dillard:

  • Darryl Pandy with Farley Jackmaster Funk – Free Man ’87 (Backing Vocals)
  • Ricky Dillard – Love Injection (Trussel Cover), erschienen auf Jackmaster 4 ’89

und als Auskopplung zum Album:

Ricky Dillard – To Live This Life ’89

Label: Jack Trax #JTX 30, 1989

  1. To Live This Live (House Mix) 7:30
  2. To Live This Live (Club Mix) 5:00
  3. To Live This Live (Larry’s Dub Cut) 6:15

Producer, Mixed By, Backing Vocals: Larry Heard
Producer [Assistant]: Riley Evans
Engineer: Mike Konopka

Ricky Dillard To Live this Life Label A
To Live this Life Label A

Das Album „Let the Music Use You“ ’89

Ricky Dillard - Let the Music Use you Cover front

Das Debüt-Album erschienen auf dem UK Label Jack Trax, enthält die beiden Klassiker „Let the Music Use You“ von den Night Writers und „It’s U“ von Farley Jackmaster Funk.

  • CD: CDRICD 1
  • LP: RICD 1
  • Tape: CRICD 1

Das Album wurde produziert von Larry Heard (aka Mr. Fingers). Die Songs stammen aus dem Team von The Night Writers (Riley Evans und Jere McAllister).

Ricky Dillard – Let the Music use you ’89

Seite 1:

  1. To Live This Life 5:20
    Written: Jere McAllister, Riley Evans
  2. I’ve Been Good Girl 5:25
    Written: Riley Evans
  3. I Don’t Need This Love 5:48
    Written: Lee A. Pearson, Riley Evans
  4. What It Is Inside 5:52
    Written: Riley Evans
Ricky Dillard Let the Music Use you Cover back CD
Cover back CD

Seite 2:

  1. Let The Music Use You 8:12
    Written: Alan Walker (=Jere McAllister), Henry Watson (=Riley Evans)
  2. True Devotion 6:07
    Written: Jere McAllister, Riley Evans
  3. It Doesn’t Matter 5:57
    Written: Jere McAllister, Riley Evans
  4. It’s You 4:10
    Written: Farley Keith Williams, Ricky Dillard
    Produced and Mixed: Keith Williams
Album Credits und Thanks to


All tracks Produced & Mixed by Larry Heard
except #8: Produced and Mixed by Keith Williams aka Farley Jackmaster Funk
Production Assistant: Riley Evans
Engineered by Tommy White & Mike Konopka at Seagrape Recording Studios, Chicago
Background Vocals: Rueben Lightfoot & the Victory Singers

Thanks to:

I would like to thank God, Bishop Arthur Brazier and the Apostolic Church of God, my mother Dorothy Dillard and my family; Rick Evans, Larry Heard, Lee Pearson, Brett Wilcox, Frankie Knuckles, Tyrone Parker, Mickey Oliver, Ralphie Rosario, and Damon D’Cruz for making this album possible.
Specially dedicated to and in memory of Rueben Lightfoot.

This compilation (P)(c) 1989 Indigo Music Ltd.
Distrubuted by K-Tel International (UK) Ltd.
All tracks published by Indigo Music

Design by DCS | Artwort by Magic Wand | Typeset by Jefferson Typesetting

Ricky Dillard Websites:

Dr. Ricky Rydell Dillard (* 25.02.1965 in Chicago, USA)

Ricky Dillard kommt vom Gospel und hat sich nach dem House-Intermezzo wieder ganz der christlichen Gospelmusik verschrieben.

RickyDillard Choirmaster Cut
Ricky Dillard Choirmaster


* = Angaben erforderlich
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