The P-Files of DJ Pierre (Phuture-Pfantasy-Phortune…)
Acid schreibt man mit P! Zumindest wenn es nach DJ Pierre geht. Übersicht der Releases von Phuture, Pierre’s Pfantasy Club, Pfantasia, Phortune.

Angefangen hat alles mit „Acid Tracks“, infolge entstanden zahlreiche Projekte von und mit DJ Pierre.
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Gegründet 1985 in Chicago von Nathaniel Pierre Jones (DJ Pierre), Earl Smith jr. (Spanky / DJ Spank Spank) und Herbert Jackson (Herb J), haben sie sogleich mit ihrem Debüt Track „Acid Tracks“ das Genre ACID House erfunden.
Acid Tracks | Phuture Jacks | Your Only Friend ’87
Label: Trax Records #TX142
- Acid Tracks 12:26
Written: Phuture
Producer, Mixed: Marshall Jefferson
Info: Debüt Track von Phuture;
ursprünglich geplanter Titel „In Your Mind“
- Phuture Jacks 7:46
- Your Only Friend 4:53
Written: #2: Phuture | #3: DJ Pierre
Producer, Mixed: Marshall Jefferson
Songtext „Your Only Friend“
This is cocaine speaking,
I can make you do anything for me.
I can make you cry for me,
I can make you fight for me,
I can make you steal for me,
I can make you kill for me,
I can make you cry for me, fight for me, steal for me, kill for me,
And in the end, I’ll be your only friend.
I can take your car from you,
Take your job from you,
Take your wife from you,
Take your life from you,
In the end, I’ll be your only friend.
Take a whiff of me, I’ll make you high,
Take a sniff of me, I’ll make you feel fine,
Take a shot of me, I’ll make you fly,
Take too much of me, I’ll make you DIE.
We Are Phuture | Slam | Spank-Spank ’88
Label: Trax Records #TX165
- We Are Phuture 8:38
Written, Producer: Phuture | Vocals: Darrel Lewis | Mixed and Added Production: Mike ‚Hitman‘ Wilson
Info: „We are Phuture“ ist auf dem House Sampler „House Hallucinates“ als „Phuture Will Survive“ benannt.
- Slam 5:40
- Spank-Spank 4:58
Written: #2: Phuture | #3: DJ Spank Spank
Producer, Mixed: DJ Pierre & Gene Hunt
Phuture Pfantasy Club
Pierre’s Pfantasy Club

Girls, Girls, Girls…
Dank der Vocals von J.R. Jordan sind die Titel „Mystery Girl“, „Fantasy Girl“ und „Dream Girl“ die ersten Radio Acid Songs.
Zum Teil mit Felix da Housecat der bei Fantasy Girl erst 16 Jahre alt war.
Mystery Girl (Set Me Free) ’87 [Fantasy Club ft. J.R.]
Label: International House Records #IHR-002
- Mystery Girl (Set Me Free) (House Mix) 5:40
- Mystery Girl (Set Me Free) (Original Mix) 6:30
- Mystery Girl (Set Me Free) (Club Mix) 5:35
- Mystery Girl (Set Me Free) (4 Track Mix) 6:50
- Mystery Girl (Set Me Free) (Radio Mix) 3:30
Written: Bad Boy Bill, DJ Pierre, Mike „Hitman“ Wilson
Vocals: J.R. Jordan
Producer, Mixed: Bad Boy Bill, Mike „Hitman“ Wilson
Producer [Additional]: Steve „Silk“ Hurley
Engineer: Goh Hotoda
Fantasy Girl ’87 [ft. J.R.]
Label: SRO #750487
- Fantasy Girl (Radio Mix) 5:40
- Fantasy Girl (Acid Mix) 6:57
- Fantasy Girl (Club Mix) 8:06
- Fantasy Girl (Acappella) 4:55
Written: DJ Pierre
Vocals: J.R. Jordan
Keyboards: Felix Stallings Jr. (Felix da Housecat)
Producer: Charles Flennoy, Stan Williams
Executive-Producer: M. Sharpe
Engineer: Jeff Luff | Mastered: RJ (Ray Janos)
Recorded at: Star Trax Recording Orland Park, IL.
Dream Girl ’88
Label: Hot Mix 5 Records #HMF 111
- Dream Girl (Mickey’s Mix) 5:48
Mix: Mickey Mixin‘ Oliver - Dream Girl (Acid Dream) 4:20
Mix: Mario Diaz - Dream Girl (Wet Dream) 8:48
Mix: Ralphi Rosario - Dream Girl (Accapella Dream) 3:13
Written, Producer: DJ Pierre
Vocals: J.R. Jordan
Info: Auch erschienen als Import Maxi auf dem Label: Jack Trax #JTX 21 (siehe unteres Cover), inkl. Mike „Hitman“ Wilson Mix (6:55)
Never Give Up ’88 [Pfantasy Club]
Label: Dance Mania #DM 016
- Never Give Up (Acid Mix) 5:36
Mix: DJ Pierre | Edits: Mixmaster McMahon - Never Give Up (Radio Mix) 4:25
- Never Give Up (Hitman Mix) 6:31
Mix: Mike ‚Hitman‘ Wilson
Vocals, Producer: J.R. Jordan
Background Vocals: Chris Moore
Music: Felix Stallings Jr. (Felix da Housecat), Eric Hammonds
I Can’t Stop For You ’89
Label: Max Music #MAX 369
- I Can’t Stop For You (Billy Baloney Mix) 6:16
Mix: Ralphi „The Razz“ Rosario - I Can’t Stop For You (Acapella) 4:58
- I Can’t Stop For You (Dance Mix) 5:47
Mix: Mickey Oliver & Ralphi Rosario - I Can’t Stop For You (Radio Mix) 3:55
Written: DJ Pierre | Producer: Mickey Oliver
Licensed from Hot Mix 5 Records
weitere… 20 Below ’89
Auf der Sampler Serie Jack Trax, ist noch folgender Track exklusiv(?) erschienen:
- 20 Below 6:16 (Jack Trax Vol.6)
Mix: Adonis | Producer: DJ Pierre
Let’s Get Busy | I’m Feelin‘ Good | Don’t Stop House Music ’89
Label: Hot Mix 5 Records #HMF EP 14
- Let’s Get Busy 6:08
- I’m Feelin‘ Good 6:03
#1 Vocals: LaVette | Drums, Keyboards: Bill, Darryl and Neil ‚Hawaiian House‘
#2 Vocals: DJ Pierre | Mix: Ralphi Rosario
- Don’t Stop House Music 5:30
- Phortune – You Wanna Party 5:10
#3 Vocals: J.R. Jordan | Keyboards: Herb and Darryl | Drum Progr.: Spanky
#4 siehe Phortune
Produced: DJ Pierre
String Free | Can You Feel The Bass ’88
Label: Hot Mix 5 Records #HMF 114
- String Free (Club LeRay Mix) 8:40
- String Free (Dash Riprock Mix) 5:28
Written: DJ Pierre | Mix: Ralph „The Razz“ Rosario
Keyboards: Darryl & Herb
- Can You Feel The Bass (House Mix) 5:14
- Can You Feel The Bass (Can You Groove Me) 6:32
Written: Tim Lucas | Mix: Mickey „Mixin'“ Oliver
Vocals: Spanky
Produced: DJ Pierre & Phortune
Recorded at Seagrape Studios Chicago IL
Info: Das Piano von „String Free“ wurde verwendet bei dem Chart Hit „Grand Piano“ von The Mixmaster.
You Wanna Party ’89
Label: Hot Mix 5 Records #HMF EP 14
Erschienen auf der Pfantasia EP (siehe oben)
- You Wanna Party 5:10
Produced: DJ Pierre | Vocals: Spanky, DJ Pierre | Keys: Herb and Darryl | Drums: Spanky | Mix: Mario Diaz
weitere… House Rights (Fight For It) | Unity ’89
Auf der Sampler Serie Jack Trax, sind noch folgende Tracks exklusiv(?) erschienen:
- House Rights (Fight For It) 5:47 (Jack Trax Vol.6)
- Unity 6:00 (Jack Trax Vol.7)
Producer: DJ Pierre
Photon Inc.
Generate Power ’91
Label: Strictly Rhythm #SR 1251
Featuring Paula Brion (Vocals)
- Generate Power (Club Mix) 6:10
- Generate Power (Acapella) 2:52
- Generate Power (Radio Mix) 3:38
- Generate Power (Instrumental) 4:46
- Generate Power (Wild Pitch Mix) 8:41
Written: N.P. Jones (DJ Pierre)
Producer: DJ Pierre
Executive-Producer: Gladys Pizarro
Special Thanks to Tony Humphries for creating the Buzz of a lifetime.
Original concept by Phuture.
Vocal sample taken from Jocelyn Brown – Love’s Gonna Get You
Give a little Love ’92
Label: Strictly Rhythm #SR1297
- Give A Little Love (Photon’s Deep Vocal Mix) 6:27
- Give A Little Love (Photon’s Disco House House Mix) 8:49
- Give A Little Love („Tha“ Wild Pitch Mix) 15:00
Written: Jenifer Mickey, N. Jones (DJ Pierre), Roy Davis Jr.
Producer: D.J. Pierre, Roy Davis Jr.
Vocals: Jenifer Mickey
Mixed: D.J. Pierre
DJ Pierre
Box Energy ’88
erschienen auf dem Sampler „Acid Trax Volume 2„
vom Label: Trax Records #TX5004
- Box Energy 5:12
Written: DJ Pierre
Time & Time again ’90
Label: Jive #1369-1-JD
- Time & Time Again (Four On The Floor Mix) 6:30
- Time & Time Again (DJ Pierre’s Club Mix) 4:55
- Time & Time Again (Neal’s Underground Club Beat Mix) 5:30
Mix: Neal Howard | Edits: Wayne Williams - Time & Time Again (New Hip House Mix) 5:48
- Time & Time Again (Acapella) 3:43
- Time & Time Again (New Hip House Instrumental) 5:30
Written: DJ Pierre

Auf dem Sampler „Acid Trax Volume 3“ (Needle Rec.) sind noch weitere Projekte von DJ Pierre und Spanky erschienen:
- Spanky – Acid Bass ’88
- L.A. – L.A.’s Music ’88
- Luminous Lollipop – Acid Pop ’88
- Six Brown Brothers – Battery Acid / Acid Syndrome ’88
- Overdose – Stomach Acid ’88
- Coming Down Band – Slow Mo Acid ’88
Auf Dance Mania (DM 028) von 1989. III Phase ist ein Projekt von Spank Spank und Herbert Jackson:
- Phuture presents III Phase – Do You Wanna Get Funky ’89
Auf dem Sampler „Chi-Town Sounds Volume 1“ von Jive Records:
- DJ Pierre – Drive me in your Car (Club Mix) ’90
- DJ Pierre – Come Fly With Me (70’s House Mix) ’90
Trax Classix Sampler „Phuture“
Auf Trax Records erschien 2005 die Compilation:
„Phuture And Other Classics From DJ Pierre“
mit Tracks der Projekte:
Phuture | Pierre’s Pfantasy Club | Phortune | DJ Pierre
Label: Trax Records #CTX CD 5016
Format: Compilation
Released: Oct 2005
Album Liner Notes:
Phuture (formed by DJ Pierre. Spanky and Herb J in 1985) are a legendary act in the development of Chicago house known for their 1987 single „Acid Trax“, the biggest house record of the time and the track that began and defined the acid house sound. After crossing over to the UK, the single fueled the acid house explosion in England which evolved into the rave movement by the end of the decade.
DJ Pierre went on to work as Pierre’s Phantasy Club with Felix Da Housecat, produced another house classic „String Free“ by Phortune, and built up a formidable catalogue of both productions and remixes, becoming famous for his ‚wild pitch“ sound which put a spin on the acid house genre he helped develop.
Album Tracklist:
- Phuture – Acid Tracks 12:16
- Phuture – Phuture will Survive 8:39
- Pierre’s Pfantasy Club – Dream Girl 5:45
- Phuture – Slam 5:38
- Phortune – Can You Feel The Bass? 5:13
- Phortune – String Free 6:12
- Phortune – Jiggerwatts 6:10
- Phuture – Phuture Jacks 7:47
- Phuture – Your Only Friend 4:43
- DJ Pierre – Box Energy 6:10
- Pierre’s Pfantasy Club – Fantasy Girl 6:58
Earl Smith Jr. (Spanky) (# 1,2,4,7,9)
Herbert Jackson (# 1,2,4,7,9)
Nathaniel Pierre Jones (DJ Pierre) (# 1-10)
Artwork: Gravity Art & Design | Compiled: Laura Von Bruening | Mastered: Bernie Cisternas
Notes: Warning: Some tracks have been re-mastered from original vinyl pressings
and may contain some distortion, pops and crackles.
We have attempted to clean these up as much as possible.
Phuture (zw. 1996-2004 als Phuture 303)

DJ Pierre (Nathaniel Pierre Jones)
- Afro Acid DJ Pierre Homepage
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DJ Spank Spank / Spanky (Earl Smith Jr.)

J.R. Jordan (oft nur als JR benannt)