Ten City – State of Mind ’90
Über das zweite Studioalbum von Ten City, inkl. der Singles „Whatever makes you happy“, „I should learn to love“ und „Superficial People“.
Nach dem großen Erfolg des Debütalbums „Foundation“ mit der Hitsingle „That’s the way love is“ arbeiteten Ten City und Marshall Jefferson mit den besten Musikern Chicagos und dem Chicago Philharmonic Orchestra an dem Nachfolgealbum.
Das Album konnte nicht an den kommerziellen Erfolg anknüpfen. Herausgekommen ist aber ein schönes Album mit viel Soul und House.
mehr Infos zur Entstehung der Band, siehe das Ten City Special
Das Album: State of Mind ’90
Das Album erschien im Herbst 1990 auf dem Majorlabel Atlantic Records als LP, CD und Cassette.
Die CD und Cassette enthalten zwei Bonus Tracks.
Maxis zum Album:
- Whatever Makes You Happy
- I Should Learn To Love You
- Superficial People
Album „State of Mind“ Tracklist:
- State Of Mind 4:54
- Livin‘ Easy 5:28
- Whatever Makes You Happy 4:43
- I Should Learn To Love You 4:32
- Destiny 5:21
- Nothing’s Changed (Instrumental) 3:20
- Superficial People 4:33
- Put Love Where You Want It 5:18
- It Ain’t No Big Thing 4:54
Bonus Tracks CD und Cassette:
- Nothing’s Changed 4:53
- Heartache 4:41
Ten City= Byron Stingily, Byron Burke, Herb Lawson
#1 Ten City, Bill Dickens
#4 Ten City, Marshall Jefferson
#7 B. Stingily, B. Burke, Mark Ingram, Orbert C. Davis
#8 Ten City, Grant
#9 Brenda Carhee, Patrick Adams
#11 Rick Brown, Billy Beck
Credits & Backcover:
Produced by „Ten City“ for Burstinglaw productions & Marshall Jefferson for On The House Productions; except for “Heartache“ Co-Produced By Rick Brown
Executive Producers: Sylvia Rhone And Merlin Bobb
- Lead Vocals: Byron Stingily
- Co-Lead Vocals: Herb Lawson & Byron Burke
- Background Vocals:
Byron Stingily, Herb Lawson, Byron Burke, Shawn Christopher, Vanessa (Vene‘) Goss, Reggie Hall, Vicky Ryan, Mark Ingram, Leveeta Renee‘ Mohannon, Grant, David Josias, Yvonne Gage, Lonnie Polk
- Lead & Rhythm Guitar: Herb Lawson
- Bass: Bill Dickens & Herb Lawson
- Synth Bass: Byron Burke
- Keyboards & Synthesizer Programming: Byron Burke,
except „Superficial People“ programmed by Orbert Davis - Additional Keyboards: Billy Beck & Grant
- Bosendorfer Acoustic Piano:
Byron Burke & Tim Gant
except „Superficial People“ solo performed by Roger Harris - Hammond B3: Byron Stingily
- Percussions: Paul Cotton & David Josias
- Drums: Byron Burke
- Drum Programming: Marshall Jefferson & Byron Burke
- Trumpets: Orbert Davis, David Spencer
- Trombones: Mark Ingram, Keith Jackson
- Tenor Sax: Darrell Pleasant
- AltoSax: Hank Ford, except „Heartache“ solo performed by Alfonzo Hunter
- All Vocals Arranged by: Byron Stingily
- All Horns & Strings arranged, orchestrated & conducted by: Orbert Davis
- Additional Horn Arrangements:
Marshall Jefferson & Ten City
- Recording & Mix Engineer:
Tom „Already Done” Miller - Assistant Engineers:
Bob Bennet / John Armstrong/ Tim Reisig - Synclavier Programming & Sounds by Tom Miller & Tdsoundz
- Violins:
Arnie Roth (concertmaster), Elliott Golub, Peter Labella, Everett Mirsky, Marlou Johnston, Sylvia Morris, Gale Salvatori, Florentina Ramniceanu, Terrance Gray, Rene’ Baker, Joseph Golan, Ruben Gonzalez, Tom Yang - Cellos:
Barbara Haffner, Felix Wurman, Ed Moore, Judy Stone, Alan Rostoker
- Ten City Management: Arma Andon & Rick Smith for SBK Management
- Photography: Arthur Coher / Tracy Aiken
All Songs Recorded at Universal Recording Corp. Chicago, Illinois
Thanks to:
Byron ‚B Rude‘ Burke
I would like to thank God for giving TEN CITY the chance to do what we want to do in life. To express our (Minds thru Music). I would like te thank my parents, Garnett & Rosa Lee Burke and big sister Vee. This one’s for you. (Love Always), and to all my second families and friends, love you all, Teresa Winston, you’re my baby! “Peace“
Byron Stingily
would like 2 thank his family and friends for giving spiritual support, through the pressure filled times of coming up with the best possible TEN CITY album.
Thanks Sandra, Byron, Diamond, Michael M., Cousins, Mom, Grandma, Sis, Rick Lenoir,
Tyrone Culbertson and Mike G of Big Beat Records & Tapes. I can’t forget the Barney’s
One-Stop Crew; Big Ray, Willie B, Mr. K, Carlita, Grant, Dre, Cynthia, Debres, Nellie, and George of the Music Room. Thanks Chicago
Herb Lawson
thanks my mom & dad, my big brother „Cool George“ and the rest of the Lawson family for always being there for me. Thanks Vince Mack, Greg, Mike and the rest of my friends and relatives.

This album is dedicated to the memory of Garnett Burke

Special thanks to God for blessing us with our individual and collective talents and for giving us the opportunity to share them.
Sylvia & Merlin for bringing out the best in us. Thanks to the entire Atlantic staff, especially Mae, Simo, The Sharons, Sharon L thanks for being so sweet, Vince, C.B., Eddie „Cadillac“ Holland, Richard Nash, Dewayne Cunningham, Charles, Buddy Dee, and our main man Dino P. Thanks Dewayne Alexander for the encouragement, keep that vision. Armando Riveria, and Barbara Prieto.
Thanks Edward Crosby and the Chicago Crew. We also thank all the people who we thanked on our last album.
Thanks to Atlantic East-West Crew and of course all the D.J.s and T.C. Crew, Lonnie Polk, Armond Ransom, Grant, Tim Gant, Mike Lawson and Earl Young. We welcome our new family: Business Manager Vernon Brown, Attorneys Ina Meibach, George Regis, and Barry Reiss. Managers Arma Andon und Rick Smith.
Die Maxis zum Album
Von dem Album wurde drei Titel ausgekoppelt.
Whatever Makes You Happy ’90
Der Song erschien am 15.10.1990 als Vorbote zum Album und erreichte Platz 16 in den US Dance Charts und in den UK Charts #60.
1991 hat Isotonik (Chris Paul) die Vocals gesampelt für den Song „Different Strokes“.
Ten City – Whatever Makes You Happy (12″ Tracklist)
Der Song ist in verschiedenen Maxi Versionen erschienen. (6 Mixe + Single Edits)
Hier die Releases: Vinyl Maxi (US, UK) | CD | Tape | Promo
US 12″, Label: Atlantic #0-86123
UK 12″, Label: Atlantic #A 7819 T
- Whatever Makes You Happy (New York City Mix) 8:24
Remix, Additional Producer: David Morales for Def Mix Prod. - Whatever Makes You Happy (Happy Club Mix) 5:06
Remix: Ten City | Sample: Toney Lee – Reach Up - Whatever Makes You Happy (Underground Dance Mix) 5:08
Remix: Gary Wallace, Ralphi Rosario, Rick Lenoir
UK 12″, Label: Atlantic #A 7819 TX
- Whatever Makes You Happy (LP Version) 3:47
- Whatever Makes You Happy (Red Zone Mix) 5:27
Remix, Additional Producer: David Morales for Def Mix Prod. - That’s The Way Love Is (Acieed Mix – Extended Version) 6:44
Remix: Steve „Silk“ Hurley
UK 7″, Label: Atlantic #A 7819 (nur in Europa als Single erschienen)
- Whatever Makes You Happy (Club Radio Edit) 3:54
- Whatever Makes You Happy (Edit) 3:47
Europa Maxi CD, Label: Atlantic #7567-87806-2 (nur in Europa als CD erschienen)
- Whatever Makes You Happy (Club Radio Edit) 3:54
- Whatever Makes You Happy (New York City Mix) 8:25
Remix, Additional Producer: David Morales for Def Mix Prod. - Whatever Makes You Happy (Happy Club Mix) 5:06
Remix: Ten City | Sample: Toney Lee – Reach Up
US Cassette Maxi, Label: Atlantic #7 4-86123
mit zusätzlicher Vocal Dub Version
- Whatever Makes You Happy (New York City Mix) 8:24
- Whatever Makes You Happy (Vocal Dub)
- Whatever Makes You Happy (Happy Club Mix) 5:06
- Whatever Makes You Happy (Underground Dance Mix) 5:08
US Cassette Single, Label: Atlantic #7-487817
- Whatever Makes You Happy (Edited LP Version)
- Whatever Makes You Happy (Club Radio Edit)
Promo 12″
Die Promo Maxi enthält noch einige weitere Mixes:
US Promo 12″, Label: Atlantic #DMD 1560
- Whatever Makes You Happy (New York City Mix) 8:24
- Whatever Makes You Happy (Mo Mo Dub) 5:25
Remix, Additional Producer: David Morales for Def Mix Prod. - Whatever Makes You Happy (Red Zone Mix) 5:27
Remix, Additional Producer: David Morales for Def Mix Prod. - Whatever Makes You Happy (Happy Club Mix) 5:06
- Whatever Makes You Happy (Underground Dance Mix) 5:08
- Whatever Makes You Happy (Basstrapella Mix) 5:39
Remix, Additional Producer: David Morales for Def Mix Prod.
Credits #1-3
Flute: Paul Shapiro
Keyboards [Additional]: Eric Kupper, Terry Burrus
Percussion [Additional]: Bashiri Johnson
I Should Learn To Love You ’90
Die Maxi ist nur auf dem amerikanischen Markt erschienen und enthält Remixe von Timmy Regisford.
Ten City – I Should Learn To Love You (12″ Tracklist)
US 12″, Label: Atlantic #0-86005
- I Should Learn To Love You (Shelter Mix) 9:15
Remix: Timmy Regisford - I Should Learn To Love You (Single Edit) 4:38
- I Should Learn To Love You (Extended Mix) 10:29
Remix: Timmy Regisford - I Should Learn To Love You (Instrumental) 8:28
- I Should Learn To Love You (Shelter Dub) 6:09
Remix: Timmy Regisford
es gab nur noch eine Promo Maxi (#DMD 1677) und eine Promo CD (PRCD 4000-2).
Die Promo CD enthält noch die ‚TV Track‘ Version (4:31).
Superficial People ’90
Während die US Ausgabe sechs Remixe enthält (inkl. Steve Silk Hurley), ist auf der UK Ausgabe nur ein Remix enthalten aber dafür „Nothing’s Changed“ (mein Favorit vom Album) auf der B-Seite.
Der Song erreichte in den US Dance Charts #22 und in den UK Charts #96.
Ten City – Superficial People (12″ Tracklist)
US 12″, Label: Atlantic #0-86077
- Superficial People (Extended Remix) 6:51
Remix: Marshall Jefferson - Superficial People (Hurley’s Deep House Remix) 6:47
Remix: Steve „Silk“ Hurley - Superficial People (Hurley’s Deep House Instrumental) 5:20
Remix: Steve „Silk“ Hurley - Superficial People (U.K. 12″ Remix) 6:20
Remix: Dr. Ross, The Funky Ginger - Superficial People (U.K. Instrumental Remix) 4:39
Remix: Dr. Ross, The Funky Ginger - Superficial People (Radio Remix Edit) 4:04
Remix: Marshall Jefferson
UK, EUR 12″, Label: Atlantic #7567-86098-0
- Superficial People (Superficiality Remix) 6:21
Remix: Dr. Ross, The Funky Ginger - Where Do We Go? (Dance Remix Alternative 1) 8:24
- Nothing’s Changed 4:53
UK, EUR 7″, Label: Atlantic #7567-87780-7
- Superficial People 4:33
- Nothing’s Changed 4:53
It Ain’t No Big Thing (Cover Version)
Bei diesem Song steht im Booklet „Writer & Publisher unknown“. So ein großes Rätsel ist es eigentlich nicht. Im Original ist es eine Produktion des großartigen Patrick Adams, geschrieben von Brenda Carhee und Patrick Adams.
Veröffentlicht 1976 von der Gruppe Personal Touch als 7″ und als Albumtrack auf Donna McGhees LP „Make It Last Forever“ von 1978.